4th Of July

And so today families and friends gather to celebrate the 4th of July, but I wonder just how many really know, or care about, the real meaning of this day? Just as most holidays, for the most part it has been reduced to an extra day off for most, a time to shoot off fireworks, cook out, drink beer, and generally have a good time.

Sadly, there ar a lot of people that fought so hard to allow others to do all this that aren’t having a good time.

We are still in two unwinnable “wars”, useless waste of human life and the cause of this great nation on the verge of bankruptcy both financially and morally.

Our brothers and sisters in the gulf still praying that the oil puking will be stopped and they will not be totally destroyed by corporate greed and government corruption. Many generations of hard work will all vanish in just a few weeks. I pray they can have at least one day of celebration and that by some miracle, this disaster is ended.

I am so grateful for my life, my freedom to express my self and to live the great life I do.

I don’t consider myself a patriot in the true sense, but all I can thinkof for now is God Bless America.

May God have mercy on us.

~ by Edward Conley on July 4, 2010.

One Response to “4th Of July”

  1. As countries around the world scramble to shore up their economies by implementing severe austerity plans (in an effort to salvage what they have left of their financial houses), the global markets will continue their slide downward into no-man’s land, as if caught up in some type of melancholy or malaise.

    Some say that we are headed into a recession or depression. I wholeheartedly disagree. What we are witnessing now is something newly created and born of corporate greed. It is a monster that we have never seen before and one in which we are ill-prepared to handle.

    For example, during the Depression, the United States was able to withstand the financial storm because it had American businesses at the ready to hire American workers back at a moment’s notice. Knowing that, it was for most, a psychological security blanket: an underlying assurance that no matter how bad times got, jobs would always be there once the economy improved. Unfortunately, that’s not the case today. Many American businesses have carted their factories and jobs off to other countries in an effort to reduce their overhead and labor costs. Without these jobs to fall back upon, as in times past, there is no real way for America to financially recover from a recession or depression.

    Some will balk at the assertion, claiming that the small ‘mom and pop’ stores will eventually see us through these hard financial times. But to them I ask, “Have you ever heard of Wal-Mart… With low, low prices, every day? How do you expect the common mom and pop stores to compete against such behemoths?” …Simply put, they can’t.
    This situation is not just happening here in America, but around the globe. Corporations are playing it fast and loose with their allegiances on every front; with no care at all to the country or the people that fostered their growth or prosperity. (If it’s cheaper for them to move jobs to some foreign country that pays its workers only .50 an hour, trust me, they’ll do it.) Business is cold and uncaring. Business does not care who suffers, just as long as there is a profit for their shareholders during every quarter. Business should be regulated to prevent such financial catastrophes from happening in the future.

    In closing, I understand that there are many other forces at work here that are contributing to the global economic crisis, but far beyond all others, corporate greed seems to be the thread that ties them together.

    Expect the Dow to continue on its downward slide.

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